Sunday, June 9, 2013

Imperfect life in a perfect way

I was so disgraced by everything around me being so imperfect. Hate, pain and sorrow seems to be in trend Where ever i go. Sometimes i sit back and wonder why there is so much of a hate, pain, sorrow and depression among youngster. Is it because the youngster these days are way much expecting things than we did in our times. Or is it because they are left free to do anything they want which further leads them in to such stage.

For me i always tried searching perfect within everything. And what i believed is that there’s always perfect within imperfect itself (like the x factor thing). All u need to do is to find it. I believe there’s always someone crazy enough and can relate to u, do crazy stuffs along with you and make your imperfect world a perfect one where u can find every joy and where there is no sign of sorrow. Someone who can always there for you and motivates and supports you in everything you do.

My life was never this perfect as it is now, my world was a mess. At times full of pain, sorrow and was depressed most of the time. The word "Friends" were no words to trust for and collogue was no more colleague after u were out of the office. Things were as hard as one can ever think of. Was alone within the crowd.

I have my sister who is crazy enough and understand me so well. She was always there for me and supported me in every way she can. We laughed and did so many crazy stuffs together that one can barely imagine of. Then a sudden thought drifted to my mind …… I realized that I was happy and smiling again. My sorrow was vanished in to the air.  Then came to know that u always don’t need a reason to be happy for. Sometimes doing things like a child - carefree, fun, and crazy to get your life back. And I always did the same.

There is another friend of mine named Raul, we were college friends. During our college we were just friends but as soon as the college was over we turned into best-friend. We both love doing all the crazy stuffs, i was comforting enough to act like a child again and have loads of fun and he was there acting like a child and doing all the crazy stuffs along with me.  I forgot all the stress of my work and what the sorrow was. We laugh at the face of sorrow and kept supporting each other. Together we were 100 times better than any individual in anything. It’s like we knew everything then rest of the world. And there was a friend of mine named Sania  ... damns she so much reminded me of my sister, she was as crazy as my sister. We used to have so much in common to talk about and even she did understand my silence as well.

So it is not necessary that you always have to live your life as other wants. Sometimes all u have to do is act crazy and break some bound. Live your life as the way you want….live yours imperfect life in a perfect way. Follow your dream and Be proud and say I did what I want. “Sometimes being crazy is not being crazy but giving other person to wonder how they are living their life”.

Glad to have you all in my live. Love you all ;)

1 comment:

  1. this is exactly how i am living my life these days and i feel awesome (: just go with the stuffs that u love to do....its the best way to live the life happily ^_^
